Stucco Tech

Summer Savings Tips

Summer Savings Tips Keep Your Home Cool and Comfortable And Keep Your Money in the Bank! Use a programmable thermostat and set all times to your desired comfort level (72–74) except during the peak demand hours of 2–7pm.  During these times set the temperature up a few degrees to 75–78.  This will [...]


Let us honor every patriot, because without them, freedom would not have existed. What they did, we can never repay. Happy Independence Day from our family to yours! Or click the button below to call us. Are you in need of energy saving Solar, Window, Turf, [...]

The Benefits of Stucco-Tech Exterior Coating Your Home

The Benefits of Stucco-Tech Exterior Coating Your Home If you’re a homeowner who lives in an area where you spend a portion of the year running your air conditioning system to make your home more comfortable, you most likely see a significant increase in your electric bill each Summer. What can be frustrating [...]

Why Are Some Of The Rooms In My Home Colder Or Hotter Than Others?

WHY ARE CERTAIN ROOMS IN YOUR HOME DRAFTY OR UNCOMFORTABLE? If this has been an ongoing problem, you might just start to feel that it’s normal for certain rooms of your home to be drafty or to feel cooler or warmer than others. However, you should be concerned about this issue for more [...]

Some Great Advantages Of Artificial Turf

Some Great Advantages of Artificial Grass Many of Hometech Builder’s clients are choosing artificial turf to not only beautify the look of their yards, but as an additional energy savings upgrade to their homes. Not only does artificial turf, also called synthetic grass, require far less maintenance, but it also saves you money [...]

How To Evaluate Your Heating & Air Conditioning Filter

Which Heating & Air Conditioning Filter Is Right For Your Home. HOW TO EVALUATE YOUR HVAC FILTER Every home equipped with a Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning system utilizes a filter to help provide that indoor comfort. So, when buying a new filter or upgrading your current system to provide the right comfort [...]

How To Maximize Energy Savings In Your Home

HOW TO MAXIMIZE SAVINGS IN YOUR HOME When you are thinking about different ways you might be able to save money around your home, the tendency is to think big. Maybe you need to upgrade to a more energy efficient furnace, or it could be time to install a new central air conditioning [...]

Even In Cold Weather Homeowners Can Enjoy The Benefits Of Solar Energy

Even in cold weather, homeowners can take advantage of the benefits of renewable solar energy Whether you want to protect the environment, save money on utility bills or add resale value to your home, solar energy is a smart option. Benefits of Solar Energy Why choose solar energy? Solar energy is: Sustainable and renewable. Other sources of [...]

Spring Maintenance Checklist For Homeowners

Spring Maintenance Checklist For Homeowners In 6 Steps Spring is upon us, and the evidence is blooming all around us. If you’re a homeowner, now is a great moment to take care of some routine home maintenance to get your home organized for spring and keep it running smoothly and efficiently right through [...]

Five Helpful Hints to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Five Helpful Hints to Improve Indoor Air Quality The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that your indoor air is more than likely compromised by a number of contaminants, going so far as to say it’s potentially more polluted than what’s found outside in large, industrialized cities. With that in mind, we’d like to [...]

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